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Happy Happy Endorphin

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It's not the future he imagined, but he's still happy. Shou, who can now see monsters, is one day reunited with his childhood friend Hina! Shou is happy but at the same time he beings to feel a sense of unease, and his everyday life is invaded. A new story...

Author:Age Nasuo
Artist(s):Age Nasuo

Happy Happy Endorphin

It's not the future he imagined, but he's still happy. Shou, who can now see monsters, is one day reunited with his childhood friend Hina! Shou is happy but at the same time he beings to feel a sense of unease, and his everyday life is invaded. A new story spun with manga and a music video! The second PROJECT "COMUC" is by Nasuo Age x DUSTCELL!

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